
Being Deceived

One of the greatest deceits of the devil is to seduce us into eating the tree of knowledge. This means to be independent from God, knowing good and evil. The fact is that to know the law of God and to attempt to keep it is to eat the tree of knowledge. Paul in 1 Cor. 15 says that the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law. Stay away from trying to please God by your own efforts of doing good and avoiding evil. This will kill you as far all your experience of the Lord is concerned.

God's intention is that you would be living in Him, expressing God. The way is not to try to be like Jesus. Rather it is to look to Jesus and believe that He has accomplished everything on the cross and has become your righteousness. There is nothing left for you to do but to enjoy Him. Righteousness is a Person, named Jesus. Stay with Him, abide in Him. This pleases God and produces everything you desire in your Christian life.