
Grace is a Person

Grace is a Person. It is God in Christ freely, with out any merit on our part, flowing to us to do everything for us and through us. It is absolutely outside of the law and cannot be mixed with law. The slightest hint of any effort or thought or attempt on our part to do anything to gain favor with God cancels our relationship with grace. (See Gal. 2:21)
God favors us with all He is freely. He has placed us in Christ so that all Christ is, has and does belongs to us.

Our only requirement is to receive by believing. He has made us the righteousness of God in Christ. He has forgiven us all our sins, past, present and future. Even when we fall, we are still the righteousness of God, for we are still in Christ. There is no need to confess your sins for the blood of Jesus continually cleanses you from every sin. The more you walk in the light, the more you see your sins the more the blood is cleansing you and the Father will say, "I see no sin in you. You are in my beloved Son and are as sinless and as beloved as He is."

This does not mean that you cannot commit sins. However, it means that the more we believe the truth, the more we live without sin. That which is born again cannot commit sin. There is a part of our being that cannot commit sin. It is the born again part, our spirit in which dwells the Holy Spirit. Remain there and you will not commit sin. The right believing produces right living.

Believe that you are always loved and accepted in the Beloved One. Forget about traditional concepts about how sinful you are. Yes, we were all sinful before we received Christ. But that was a life on the other side of the cross.That teaching for Christians of how sinful and how much a failure we are, comes from old, dead religion and is not according to the facts of the New Testament.

Do not concentrate on sin. Concentrate on Jesus. When Jesus died on the cross, all sin was judged so that we do not have to be judged. Our only problem is not believing what the Lord has done and what he has said concerning those who have been joined to Him. We are one with Him and all He is is ours. We just remain in Him and He takes care of everything else. The secret is to continually be receiving Him. Just like eating. Have five of six meals of Jesus every day and discover a different kind of Christian life. For Christ Himself is the Christian life.

Someone might say, "Telling me to have five meals of Jesus every day is a law." But just like eating physical food, it is not a law, it is an enjoyment. I don't look as dinner time as a requirement. At the end of the day I'm hungry, so I eat with enjoyment. Aren't you hungry for Jesus? Just come and tell Him you want Him. By this coming to Him, He will supply you with what He is. This is grace.