
The Christian Life is a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ

The Christian life is a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not any kind of performance. It is not attempting to improve yourself or to try not to sin. It is the living Person of the Lord Jesus indwelling out innermost being. He desires to be everything to everyone who has received Him.

He makes no demands on you. His hearts desire is to supply you with Himself so that whatever you need will be your portion. No need is too great that it cannot be supplied by Him. He has entered your spirit and now waits for you to take whatever you need from Him. He delights to give for He loves us to the uttermost. He died for us didn't He? Only the greatest love will be willing to suffer and die for another.

Joshua was told that he would have great success if he would keep the Word of God in his mouth day and night. By this kind of verbal meditation Joshua would participate in the very life of God that is embodied in the Word. Peter said the same thing in second Peter where he told us to participate in the divine nature through the precious promises. By this continual verbal meditation we enter into the reality of the living Savior and are filled with Him. He then is our Christian life. As Paul said in Phillipians, "For me to live is Christ, a living Person."