In John 21 Peter decided to go fishing and the others said that they would go with him. After they had fished all night they had caught nothing. When the morning came and they looked over at the shore they saw that Jesus was there. This is the first indication that they were not in God’s will. Jesus was not in the boat with them!
Fishing for Men
God’s Way
1 Tim. 1:4 “…God’s economy, which is in faith”
Jesus Christ is the sum of all spiritual things. He is the All. Eventually He will become all in all. Every spiritual blessing is received and experienced only through Him. We are to walk in spirit where Christ dwells in our inner being. All our focus is to be on Him. He is the beloved of the Father, and we are beloved by God in Him. Nothing is obtained from God outside of Christ, and we can do nothing apart from Him. (John 15:5)
We all need revelation to see that this wonderful Person is the center and circumference of God’s purpose. Obtaining Him is to receive the divine life. To gain more and more of Him is the process of transformation. Experiencing Him together with other saints is the way the church is built up. God approves of nothing outside of the realm of Christ.
Look at the way Paul writes his epistles. He always shows that everything God does and we receive is through Christ and in Christ. We are not to attempt to please God or work for God independently from Christ. Christ is our life and our living with the called-out ones.
Every morning we come to our dear Lord Jesus praying and reading His word. We participate in the divine nature through His precious promises. As we pray and read the Word, the divine life flows into our spirits and then out through our souls. This is the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. (Phil. 1:19) Then out of that supply we are enabled to supply others with all they need: the very Person of our Lord Jesus Christ who is God’s way.
Meeting in the Lord
It is so interesting that when the Lord is flowing in the spirit you are filled and energized throughout the day and then He is able to flow out through you to touch others. It is not about you but totally about Him. He is the Christ, the annointed one to carry out God's economy. You and I are simply vessels of clay carrying about this wonderful treasure.
Pleasing God
A New Beginning
The life of God eternal manifest;
‘Tis uncreated, indestructible,
‘Tis Christ Himself, unconquerable, expressed.*