
Pleasing God

The Lord of all, Jesus Christ, has been waiting and working for two thousand years for the reality of the church to appear. A church where the oneness of John 17 has become reality. This is an organic, life-oneness. Oneness where the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father and they are in us and we are in God and in one another. This is a oneness where our spirits join together and you could say that your sin is mine and mine is yours. We have literally been made members one of another.

This is the church where Christ actually is head of His body. He makes the decisions and rules in His kingdom. It is the place where the brothers live so much in Him and have been dealt with to the point where they keep their opinions, their reasonings and their choices on the cross and allow Christ to head them up.

It is a place where the members have left the world and sin behind them and where, if these things creep in, they are dealt with by the members if necessary. For where there is sin and the world there can be no moving of the Spirit. Undealt with sin blocks the free flow of the Spirit. The world makes us an enemy of God and an adulteress. This is one who has betrayed her future husband and is not fit to be the bride of Christ. How could the Lord flow if there would be such lazy and rebellious Christians who would not deal with offenses like this? Unless we Christians are willing to deal thoroughly with the world, sin and our self, we have no way to experience the church that the Lord desires.

The Lord desires a church where the Spirit is free to flow and direct as He wills. Where there is no forcing but only flowing based on the principle of the flowing myrrh in the Tabernacle in the wilderness. All the motion toward the Holy of Holies where God dwelt was by His dynamic flowing. Unless the trespass and sin offering was presented there could be no devotion offering. In our experience when all known sin is confessed and abandoned we joyously devote ourselves utterly to God. But otherwise we can only force a kind of half-hearted consecration. Everything of God is free flowing without any convincing, demanding or forcing.

Just like the river in Ezek. 37, once you reach the stage of swimming, the river carries you along. There is no effort in going along to God. It is all in the flow of the spirit. Our only responsibility is to confess the sin that the Lord reveals to us leave the world and receive the supply of the divine life contained in the Word. Then we cooperate together to live in that stream of God in our homes and in our meetings.

Wherever the stream goes we go. We drop all religious concepts and let the river of the Spirit have its way. This brings us under the throne of God and the Lamb and supplies us with the water and tree of life. It also provides the way for the people of the world to be healed of every negative thing. (Rev. 21)

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