
The Walk in Spirit in Galatians Five and Six

Gal. 5:25-6:1

25If we are living with what is spirit, let us keep in line (stoikew) by what is spirit. 26Let us not become vainglorious, provoking one another, envying one another, brothers. 6:1 Even if a man be overtaken in any trespass, ye who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of meekness, looking to yourself, lest you also be tempted. (Greek translation by R.C.H. Lenski)

One of the first principals of Bible interpretation is to consider the context of the verse or passage you are studying. Concerning the above verses, it is important to see that when the translators of the Bible divided verse 26 from the next verse, chapter 6, verse 1, they implied that a new thought was beginning in chapter 6, however, this is not true.

Paul's thought is as follows: Since our general walk is by our spirit, then it follows that the specific going along, following along just like an army marching along rank on rank should also be by our spirit. No one should think himself or herself higher or better so as to become vainglorious. We are all brothers of one another, nothing more. When pride created vainglory in a brother, it causes others who are not in spirit to be envious or to be provoked. This situation should never be allowed. So the ones who actually do live in spirit should go to the one who has stepped aside out of the line (the Greek word for trespass means to step aside) and with a spirit of meekness, which is in contrast to the pride and envy and wrath exhibited in 5:26, and help that vainglorious one. But in helping you have to beware that you too won't fall into vainglory for we are all subject to being tempted with pride.

Paul concludes the last chapter with the words, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is with the spirit of you all, brothers. (Greek word order) Paul looks at us all as having one spirit and that we are all simply brothers. We must have revelation to see that the other brother's spirit is my spirit and my spirit is his spirit. The reality is that we are in such an organic oneness.

None is higher or better. It is true that the functions of all differ, but there is no rank among us. Pride always wants to assume a higher, better, or more knowledgeable position. Since humanity is so fallen we all should look to ourselves lest we be so tempted.


Our Calling

1 Cor. 1:9 God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

We are not called to follow any man, to join any denomination, mission society or even to associate with those who are spiritual. We are called into the fellowship of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Greek work translated "fellowship" comes from two Greek words: "common" and "being." So we have been called into the common-being of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have all been called into His Person, to be a member of His body.

We are not called to be individual spiritual giants, missionaries, pastors, church members, or to follow a powerful speaker. We are called into this Person. Since this is the case, then we are to abide in Him. Forget everything else. Remain in Him. loving Him and being filled with Him and He will cause the reality of the church to emerge.

Loving Jesus

1 Cor. 2:9 Things which Eye has not seen and ear has not heard and which have not come up in man's heart; things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

The first thing, the main thing and the primary thing is to love the Lord. We can serve God, study the word, pray, preach the gospel, know the doctrines even give our bodies to be burned, yet without love to the Lord all these count for nothing.

To love Him is to love Him for Himself alone, not for what He has or will do for you. We appreciate to the uttermost what He has done for us but we love Him simply for Himself.
The church in Ephesus in Revelation two had one great lack. She had left her first love. No matter what they had done to serve the Lord Jesus, He still said, "I have against you because you have left your first love.

If we would examine American Christianity don't you also feel that this is one of the key failures? How many Christains do you meet who talk about loving Jesus, seeking Him and longing to be together with those who also want only Him? With the Lord in Deuteronomy 6:29 we also would say, "Oh, that we all would have such a heart..."