
Our Calling

1 Cor. 1:9 God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

We are not called to follow any man, to join any denomination, mission society or even to associate with those who are spiritual. We are called into the fellowship of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Greek work translated "fellowship" comes from two Greek words: "common" and "being." So we have been called into the common-being of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have all been called into His Person, to be a member of His body.

We are not called to be individual spiritual giants, missionaries, pastors, church members, or to follow a powerful speaker. We are called into this Person. Since this is the case, then we are to abide in Him. Forget everything else. Remain in Him. loving Him and being filled with Him and He will cause the reality of the church to emerge.

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