

Just what is symzoasis? It is the fellowship with the Father and with His son Jesus Christ. What is fellowship? It is not what the common thought of fellowship is, ie. to hang out together, have some coffee and talk. This is just a natural concept. According to the Greek, the word is make up of two words: "common" and "being." The word "common" is the same word from which we get the word koine Greek, the common Greek language. The word "being" is the Greek participle "wv (gk.)" for the verb "to be." To have fellowship is have a common-being with the Father and His son, Jesus Christ and with one another. This is symzoasis.

The word "symzoasis" comes from two greek words also. First from the Greek "sum" which means together and then from the Greek "zwn (gk.)" which means life. But in the New Testament the word "zwn (gk.)" mainly refers to the life of God not to a natural life like the word "bios" which also means life but primarily the physical life. So we use the word symzoasis rather that the word symbiosis.

Symbiosis refers to two organisms that live together for the mutual benefit of each one. Like the probiotics that live in our gut. We benefit from these friendly bacteria and they benefit from us, their hosts.

Symzoasis refers to the divine Spirit in our spirit and mutually in all the born again children of God. Symzoasis not only indicates our organic oneness with our Lord but also with one another.

John, in his first epistle, is calling all the children, young men and fathers to enter into this organic symzoasis. To not do so is the miss the mark of God's design. In this symzoatic relationship there is the true brotherly life. Outside it is sin where we, no matter how we live, are missing the mark. Truly, to miss is the mark is to miss symaozsis.

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