

Looking away unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. (Heb. 12:2) This verse is a summery of the Christian life. It is not an exhortation to do something, to behave a certain way or the fix up yourself. It is simply looking! By looking the very Christ you look at is infused into you. By looking at Jesus every self effort is annulled. By looking, the faith of the son of God is imparted into you without any "trying" on your part.

By looking away unto Jesus, you look away from the past, the future, your condition, your present circumstances, your health, your spouse, and everything else that bothers and distracts from your progress in the Christian race. Oh, keep on looking away to Jesus! Don't look at others and how they are living as Christians. That is just another distraction the enemy puts in front of you to keep you from lookiong at Jesus. He is the only one worth looking at. Simply keep looking at Jesus.

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