
A Paradigm Shift

The whole book of Galatians is addressing the problem of Romans seven. Certain ones from Jerusalem had come to the region of Galatia and had convinced the saints in the churches there that in addition to believing in the Lord Jesus Christ that they had to keep the Law of Moses.

Paul was aghast. After he had been there and painted such a clear picture of Christ crucified he wondered that they had become so bewitched. Did they now believe that perfection was by the flesh? After they had had such a good start in the Spirit why were they now working for self-improvement by keeping the law? Didn’t they realize that what they were attempting was impossible? And didn’t they see that since they started in the Spirit that they simply should go on to perfection the same way? (Gal. 3)

He tells them in chapter four that they need a paradigm shift. A paradigm shift is when you suddenly see things from a totally new perspective. In Gal. 4:19 he says, “My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you.”

Many have interpreted this to mean that gradually over the period of a Christian life Christ would be formed in them. But the word “formed” in the original Greek is in the aorist tense. The aorist looks at the aspect of the action of a verb as an event that is without regard to duration. It is simply looking at something that happens in a point of time; hence the word to describe this is punctiliar.

Most Christians make the law their point of reference for their living. That is whatever they do, they check to see if it is right or wrong. If they consider it to be right, and Christians mean right according to the Word of God, then they attempt to do the right thing. This includes outward practices and also character improvement. This is to perfect themselves by the flesh trying to keep the law.

Their point of reference needs to be changed to the living person of Christ as their life. The paradigm shift needed is like installing a new the operating system on a computer. For years your operating platform has been DOS. But there have been many improved operating systems. Install a new one. It only takes a few minutes and the computer will function better.

Many need to receive revelation from the Lord and see that only Christ is qualified to live the Christian life. This life is not about us, it’s about Him. He is well able to do it. Doesn’t Paul say in 1 Thes. 5:24, “Faithful is he who called you who also will do it?”

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