
Those who seek will find

When I was newly saved I was so overjoyed to discover that the Lord Jesus was real and that He was living in me. But after awile I began to sense that there was something missing in my Christian life. I had no idea what that something was but I began a search to find it.

After several years I found what it was. It was the church in its reality. Not an organization. Not a group of Christians following a charismatic leader. And not a mission organization working for a certain prupose. But the living dynamic reality of the glorious church.

When I first experienced that church it was so wonderful that I even wondered whether it could really be of the Lord. But soon my hesitation vanished. Jesus was so real, so present and so enjoyable. Religion had vanished and Christ was there so practical and so available.

Sadly that reality lasted only a few years. Leaders began to rise up and control what had been the freedom of the Spirit and soon the Lord's presence was gone. Satan had been able through these sincere but deceived brothers to ruin what the Lord had been raising up of His desire.

Nevertheless, our Lord Jesus Christ is not through. He will have His hearts desire. There will again be the chruch of His design.

There still are in this country those who seek the Lord for His purpose. They are the hidden ones who are looking and praying for God's own yearning to be accomplished on earth before His return.

May we all continue to pursue this goal, cooperating with our dear Lord Jesus until His plan is fullfilled on the earth.

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