
The Church

I'm praying these days for the church. That the Lord will have his heart's desire, a church without spot and wrinkle. A church which is His counterpart. One where the riches of Christ are expressed by the saints. Where the saints function as the genuine priesthood offering up sacrafices of the Lord's riches and victory in their lives.

Our God is yearning for churches throughout the earth where Christ is experienced by the saints and where the saints offer these riches to God and to one another. Where each one has a hymn, a song, a teaching and a word of prophesy, speaking out something of God and for God.

In other words, the church becomes the enlargement of Christ. According to Eph. 5, Eve is a type of the church. And she was 100% out of Adam. Therefore the church is only that which comes out of Christ. Nothing natural does the church life allow. Everything natural must go to the cross and only that which is out of Christ passed through.

This can only come into being by and through saints who learn to experience Christ in their spirits. Every Christian brother and sister must learn to know their human spirit and recieve the divine supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ throught the Word of God. Jesus said, "He who masticates me shall live because of me." And, "My words are spirit and they are life." Learn to take Him in by praying the Word into your spirit.

Paul said the same thing in Eph. 6:17-18. "Take the word of God...by means of all prayer and petition." Only thought the Spirit can life produce the church.

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