
The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus

The Law of the Spirit of life is like the law of gravity or the law of aerodynamics. It simply is. It operates spontaneously. When we are in our spirit, the law operates to keep us out of or above the law of sin and death. It depends on our seeing as Paul did that the Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished all in His life, death and resurrection and He lives in us to be our righteousness and everything wee need. The key is in Rom. 7:25.
Paul tried to keep the law and failed. He discovered another law in his flesh that whenever he tried to keep the law evil rose up and defeated him. Eventually he received revelation that the answer was in Christ. He had a paradigm shift in His view of things. That's why he said, "Thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord." Watchman Nee once said that the Christian life is altogether a matter of seeing.
In Rom.8:7 Paul uses the Greek word "phronema" (Strong's number 5427). It means to think, to have a mind set. The tendency or inclination of the mind, its bent. If a Christian has the mind-set to be good, improve himself, to fix himself or herself up, this is to have a law keeping mind-set and will eventually bring defeat. No matter how much you pray and beseech the Lord or even obey the Spirit you will still experience failure because your mind-set is to keep the law.
So everyone needs revelation to see that Jesus did it all and will live the life in you if your mind-set is one that rests in Him and His complete and finished work. He has achieved all and accomplished all that we need. We simply look at Him and He by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus life will live the life in us. What a wonderful Person He is. Praise Him. I am freed from all effort. Now I live in Another life in which is this marvelous law in my spirit which is one with the Spirit (1 Cor. 6:17).

1 comment:

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