
Christ vs. the Law

I Introduction

The creation of Adam and Eve was a marvel of the creative brilliance and power of God. They were created in the image of God and were designed to be His glory. But they had a deliberately created weakness. Although they did not know it, this weakness was a part of their make-up as a benefit to them and a means by which they would reach the Divine intention for them.

Not only did God create Adam with a weakness but He also created him with a good nature. At the end of the sixth day God declared that all that he had made was very good. This refers to the creation on the sixth day which mainly was the man. So man’s inclination according to his created nature is goodness. Man, basically, desires to do good. He wants to please God by doing good. So if he can determine what is good, then he will do his best to do it. All human beings have this inbred desire unless totally corrupted by some outside instrument.

However, the devil, no doubt, knowing man’s weakness and his good nature took advantage of it. He had a subtle goal when he deceived Eve and induced her to eat the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He knew that, if he could get her and her husband to eat that tree, they would become independent from God. Once he had separated them from God, the weakness in them and their good nature would result in their living an unrighteous life and would bring the judgment of God upon them.

That weakness and our good human nature is still a part of us and we are continually being deceived because of it. This is why the law is so attractive to us. Especially since we have received Christ as our Savior and been regenerated, we want to do something to please God. We are eternally grateful to Him for His death on the cross which paid the penalty for our sins and rescued us from Hell. The law of our mind, being good, desire to do good to please this wonderful Savior. So we are attracted to the law to attempt to keep it. However, the weakness in our being plus the sin-nature we acquired when we ate the tree of knowledge makes the keeping of the law impossible.

The solution to this problem is the Life of another Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. Unless we receive revelation from our Lord to see the provision that He made through His death and resurrection we will continue to struggle under out inborn weakness. It is possible to live without the certain result of a failing Christian life only by seeing a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ.

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