
Meeting Times and Places

How did Christians get the idea that meeting together should be at certain times and certain places? When you look at the gospels you see that when Jesus walked on the earth, He was always walking and meeting with His followers. Wouldn't it make sense that today, His followers would walk and meet the same way? That is to always be in a "meeting" with Him and with anyone else at any time.

At home in the family we would be in a meeting with Him and each other. When we get together with other believers whether in a home, a large building or in a coffee shop, we would be meeting with Him. Why not?

To have the thought that we only get together with other Christians at certain times and certain places gives us the wrong impression of what the Christian life is all about. Doesn't the Word tell us that we Christians are a people for the Lord's possession? That we are His 24/7, not only an Sunday morning? We all need a revolution in our thinking'

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