Concerning His Son
What are you focused on? Where are you're thoughts focused? Where is your heart aimed? Is it on His Son? If not you're concerns are not God's concerns. His gospel concerns His Son!
God has no intention of you focusing on self improvement. He has already crucified you on the cross in His Son. You and I are no longer relevant. We are now in Christ Jesus. God has placed us there. (1 Cor. 1:30) So there is no longer any need to strive to be good for Christ is our goodness. We do not have to attempt to be righteous for Christ is our righteousness. If you are still working at it you are living as an Old Testament saint and are not living in the benefit of the New Covenant. Give up all the effort and look away to Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.
The World System
Every section of the system whether it be religion, politics, commerce, entertainment or military are based on these principles. To advance in any of them depends on how well you perform according to their various rules. Whether you fully engage in any of them or try to leave them and, for example enter into a monastery to flee the world, the world will go with you and you will find yourself in another expression of the same thing.
Many seeking Christians attempt to leave the world by entering into some form of religion thinking that, particularly if that religion is very spiritual or very "free" that they have left the world. Yet in the long run they discover that they have only entered another kind of system with its demands for some kind of perfomance.
What, then, is the answer? It is to enter into the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and to stay there. Only by remaining in Him are you out of the world. In the reality of its essence, the world is actually another person: the personified Sin in Romans seven which is the life of Satan. There are only two persons in which men and women can live, either in the old man, Adam, who was taken over be the devil, or Christ. (see 1 Cor.15:22)
To sin is to live in your self-life. Only when we live in Christ who is our life do we live without sin. John says that he that is born again does not sin. That's because in the realm of Christ we cannot sin because sin is not in His life. Jesus, who live as man, not as God, although He was God, could not sin because He always lived by His Father's life. He is the model for us to life in the same way. He said, "As I live because of the Father, he that eats me shall live because of me." Only in that day by day supply of the life of Christ can we live without sin and outside of the world-system.
If anyone desires to be a leader in the church, he must realize that he will not be over the saints but that he is entering into slavery. The saints will be over him and his life will be to serve them.
The Lord's view is absolutely different from that of the current practice in today's Christian world. Today, each church has its pastor who is in charge of the church and is over everyone. The Christian church in America has become a business and many pastors make a very good living from it. This is a worldly system just like a big corporation in the world. So it behooves each pastor to produce a big church in order to provide him his income and the power structure to give him his position and popularity. Does this sound like the church in the New Testament? In these institutions many of the members will go to their pastor for help, prayer and all spiritual things instead of going directly to the Lord Jesus as He intends them to do. America Christianity has evolved into the clergy/laity system that is hated by the Lord Jesus in Revelation two.
It is not the Lord's intention that any man would take the place of the Lord Himself. He is our Father, our Teacher and our Master. According to the new covenant everyone will know the Lord from least to the greatest among them.(Heb. 8) Christ indwells each believer and is well able to speak to and lead each one.
None of the Lord's people need a human "leader." They need the brothers who have been entrusted with the New Testament ministry to perfect them unto the same ministry and unto the building up of the body of Christ. But these brothers are not over the saints. They are only there to serve them the reality of Christ and then get out of the way so that the Lord can be in reality the head of His body and watch Him be the real leader among the saints.
Meeting Times and Places
At home in the family we would be in a meeting with Him and each other. When we get together with other believers whether in a home, a large building or in a coffee shop, we would be meeting with Him. Why not?
To have the thought that we only get together with other Christians at certain times and certain places gives us the wrong impression of what the Christian life is all about. Doesn't the Word tell us that we Christians are a people for the Lord's possession? That we are His 24/7, not only an Sunday morning? We all need a revolution in our thinking'
Christ vs. the Law
I Introduction
The creation of Adam and Eve was a marvel of the creative brilliance and power of God. They were created in the image of God and were designed to be His glory. But they had a deliberately created weakness. Although they did not know it, this weakness was a part of their make-up as a benefit to them and a means by which they would reach the Divine intention for them.
The solution to this problem is the Life of another Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. Unless we receive revelation from our Lord to see the provision that He made through His death and resurrection we will continue to struggle under out inborn weakness. It is possible to live without the certain result of a failing Christian life only by seeing a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ.
II The Tree of Life vs. the Tree of the Law (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil)
III Humanity after the Fall living by the flesh, resulting in murder, violence and the beginning of the World-system
After the first couple ate the tree of Knowledge and were expelled from the garden of Eden, their whole life was one infected by the poison of that tree.
Therefore, whatever they and there decedents did, unless they received a fresh word from the Lord, was governed by that tree and the mind-set it produced in them. All their thoughts and their resulting actions issued from a what-is-good and what-is-evil worldview. They would behave by considering that if something was good, they would do it and if it was evil they would refrain from doing it. But they were deceived.
The word "symzoasis" comes from two greek words also. First from the Greek "sum" which means together and then from the Greek "zwn (gk.)" which means life. But in the New Testament the word "zwn (gk.)" mainly refers to the life of God not to a natural life like the word "bios" which also means life but primarily the physical life. So we use the word symzoasis rather that the word symbiosis.
Symbiosis refers to two organisms that live together for the mutual benefit of each one. Like the probiotics that live in our gut. We benefit from these friendly bacteria and they benefit from us, their hosts.
Symzoasis refers to the divine Spirit in our spirit and mutually in all the born again children of God. Symzoasis not only indicates our organic oneness with our Lord but also with one another.
John, in his first epistle, is calling all the children, young men and fathers to enter into this organic symzoasis. To not do so is the miss the mark of God's design. In this symzoatic relationship there is the true brotherly life. Outside it is sin where we, no matter how we live, are missing the mark. Truly, to miss is the mark is to miss symaozsis.
Jesus said, "I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me"
10 “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me?
Jesus lives out the Father. He expresses the Father. He defines the Father. Whatever He is, He does, says or feels is the Father's life expressing itself in Him
It is, or should be, the same with us Christians. We are one with Him as He was one with the Father. We are one with Him as He was one with the Father. He is the head, we are the body. Both head and body are the Christ. Therefore we should live today as He lived then. He expressed the Father, so we express Christ. We are the Christ.Those who do not say that Jesus is the Christ are the instead-of-Christs. (1 John 2:22) Those who live as an instead-of-christ (anti-christ) are opposed to the organic reality of the body of Christ.
Even unbelievers say that the historical Jesus is called Christ. But if you begin to say that today Jesus is the Christ meaning that Jesus is the body as will as the head, you will be condemned and persecuted by religion, even the Christian religion. For though they know it is true, this undermines their hold on their little kingdom and threatens everything they hold dear: ie. their position and their financial income.
So we can say as our Lord Jesus did, "he that has seen us has seen the Christ!" However only if we continually abide in Him.
This organic Christ is what the book of First John reveals.
To Fulfill All Righteousness
15 But Jesus answering said to him, “Permit it at this time; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he permitted Him.
The explanation that Jesus gave to John as to why He needed to be baptized by John was to fulfill all righteousness. It was not that Jesus was sinful nor was it simply to obey His Father but to fulfill all righteousness.
The is an extraordinary statement. "To fulfill all righteousness!"
Since all had sinned in the first Adam, Christ, the last Adam, had come in the flesh, without sin, to pay the price for the sins of all mankind and then to enter resurrection and by the Spirit enter into those men who believed, to become their life and their living.
In order to do that He first had to live a life on earth as a man, living by the divine life rather than His own natural sinless self-life. Then go through all the things that men and women go through so that when He entered into to His people they could live by a human-divine life that He had already lived the perfect humanity on the earth.
However, this living could only come after the perfect Man had fulfilled all righteousness. The first Adam had sinned and all his descendants were partakers of his sin. God, being just and righteous demanded justice. For His law says that if a man sins the just penalty is death. According to God's righteousness we should pay the penalty of death. Yet another volunteered to take out place. Since we all have sinned only a sinless person could pay the penalty. That Person is Jesus.
His baptism pointed to the coming cross upon which He would die and pay that penalty for us all. So when He was baptized He went through death and resurrection, just as we do when we are baptized.
From the time of His baptism on, He lived a life of a perfect New Testament saint, that is a life under the cross yet in resurrection. He lived by the source of the divine life in His spirit as we are commanded to do in this age. From this time on He lived a life in the spirit according to the divine law of life which operated according the divine nature of our Father. Because He lived this kind of life by the Father's life, His experience was much higher that those attempting to live by the law of Moses. This is why the Lord could speak concerning the constitution of the Kingdom of the heavens in Matt. 5-7. This is the description of a person who lives a life sourced from the Spirit in his spirit. (John 3:6; 4:24)
So the life we are able live in our spirit is that God-man life that Jesus lived while He was on earth. It has nothing to do with any effort on our part. It is altogether by the faith of this Person, Jesus . The way He lived on earth, in a total expression of the Father, is the way He wants us to live in Him. So we, if we are willing to pay the price of our self-life, may also live this life sourced from our spirit.
There are so many "ministries" in the Christian world today but how many of them does the Lore approve of? Unless we live in Him, in spirit, and allow Him to live out through us then no matter what we do for Him is not approved by Him. Because the Spirit has been poured out at Pentecost and at the house of Cornelius, whether or not we live in him men can work miracles, etc.
But our Father only works through His Son. He created the universe through the Son. He holds it together through the Son, He redeemed us through the work of the Son on the cross and through that work of His we are justified and have all the riches of the Triune God. Our Father's desire is that we would be related to everything through Christ. We relate to sin through Christ, we relate to others through Christ, we relate to our Father through Christ and even our relationship to ourselves is through our wonderful dear Lord Jesus. So even we also relate to any ministry through Christ. The ministry is not initiated by us nor if He does initiate the ministry through us is it carried out by us but by our continual abiding in Him and allowing Him to bear the fruit through us as a branch in the Him as the true vine.